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All About Google (https www google com)

https www google com – Google is an American multinational technology company that focuses on artificial intelligence, search engine technology, online advertising, cloud computing, computer software, quantum computing, electronic commerce and consumer electronics. It has been called “the world’s most powerful company” and one of the world’s most valuable brands due to its market dominance, data collection, and technological advantages in artificial intelligence. It is well-thought-out among the five great American information technology companies, along with Amazon, Apple, Meta and Microsoft.

About https www google com

About https www google com

https www google com (Google) is known for its highly ambitious technological innovations to solve humanity’s biggest problems. And also, Some of these innovations include quantum computing (Sycamore), self-driving cars (Waymo, formerly Google’s autonomous project), smart cities, and transformer models (Google Brain).

Google (https www google com) and YouTube are the two most visited websites al through worldwide, followed by Facebook and Twitter. Google is also the largest search engine, map and navigation application, email provider, office suite, video-sharing platform, cloud and photo storage provider, mobile operating system, web browser, ML framework, and cloud provider. Of AI virtual assistants globally, as measured by market share. . In the list of the most valuable brands, Google is ranked second by Forbes[20] and fourth by Interbrand. It has received significant criticism covering privacy, tax evasion, censorship, investigative neutrality, antitrust laws, and abuse of its monopoly position.

Search Engine at https www google com

Search Engine at https www google com

https www google com (Google) indexes billions of web pages, allowing users to search for the information they want using keywords and operators. According to a November 2009 comScore market study, Google Search is the dominant search engine in the US market, with a 65.6% market share.

Although, Google launched its Google News service in 2002, an automated service that summarizes news articles from various websites. Google also hosts Google Books, a service that searches the text found in the books in its database and displays limited previews or the complete book when allowed.

Advertising at https www google com

https www google com (Google) gets most of its revenue from advertising. It includes app sales, in-app purchases, digital content products on Google and YouTube, Android, license and service fees, and fees received for Google Cloud offerings. Forty-six per cent of this revenue came from clicks (cost per click), which amounted to US$109.652 million in 2017. It includes three main methods: AdMob, AdSense (such as AdSense for content, AdSense for search, etc.) and DoubleClick.

In addition to its algorithms to understand search queries, Google uses technology from its DoubleClick acquisition to project user interest and target advertising to the user’s context and search history.

In 2007, Google launched “AdSense for mobile”, tapping into the emerging mobile advertising market.

Google Analytics allows website owners to track where and how people use their website by looking at click-through rates for all links on a page. Since, Google ads may be placed on third-party websites under a two-part program. Google Ads allows advertisers to display their ads on the Google content network on a cost-per-click basis. The sister service, Google Ads, allows website owners to display these ads on their website and earn money for each ad click.

One of the disapprovals of this program is the prospect of click fraud, which occurs when a person or an automated script clicks on ads without being interested in the product, causing the advertiser to pay Google money improperly. Industry reports in 2006 stated that approximately 14-20% of clicks were fraudulent or invalid. Google Search Console (renamed Google Webmaster Tools in May 2015) allows web admins to check their website’s sitemap, crawl speed, and security issues and optimize their website’s visibility.

Customer Service

Web Services

Google offers Gmail for email, Google Calendar for time tracking and planning, Google Maps for maps, navigation, and satellite images, Google Drive for cloud file storage, Google Docs, Sheets and Slides for productivity, Google Photos to store and share photos, Google Keep to take notes, Google Translate for language translation, YouTube to watch and share videos, Google My Business to manage public business information and Duo for social interaction. In March 2019, Google introduced a cloud gaming service called Stadia. There is also a job search product from before 2017, Google for Jobs is an improved search feature that aggregates listings from job boards and career sites.

Some Google services are not web-based. Although Google Earth, launched in 2005, users can view high-definition satellite images of the entire world for free through client software downloaded to their computer.


Google develops the Android mobile operating system and its smartwatch, television, automobile, and IoT-enabled smart device variants.

And also, It also develops the Google Chrome web browser and Chrome OS, an operating system based on Chrome.


In January 2010, Google launched the Nexus One, the first Android phone under its brand. It spawned a series of phones and tablets under the “Nexus” brand until its eventual discontinuation in 2016, replaced by a new brand called Pixel.

Thus, In 2011, the Chromebook, running on Chrome OS, was introduced.

In July 2013, https www google com (Google) introduced the Chromecast dongle, allowing users to cast content from their smartphones to televisions.

In June 2014, Google announced the Google Cardboard, a simple cardboard viewer that allows users to place their smartphone in a special front compartment to display virtual reality (VR) media.

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