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Brussels Sprouts – Definition, Properties, Benefits, Uses, and More

Brussels Sprouts Definition

Brussels sprouts belong to the Cruciferous family, as do broccoli, turnip, and arugula, more than 3,000 plant species and 300 general typical cold and temperate regions located in the northern hemisphere.

The term Brassica, genus as the Brussels sprout leaves are known, is used by botanists who study this plant species and from whose trunk approximately 30 sprout for consumption.

The plant’s axillary buds transform into small, almost spherical, and tight buds, up to 4cm in diameter.

What are the Properties of Brussels Sprouts?

brussels sprouts

  1. Brussels sprouts highly regard for their excellent nutritional value. It is rich in carbohydrates.
  2. It estimates that every 100 grams contain 35.7 kilocalories.
  3. Its water supply is also quite considerable (90 grams) and as if that were not enough.
  4. It provides the body with plant protein, vitamin E, folic acid, carotenes, thiamine, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, iodine, and selenium.
  5. Similarly, Brussels sprouts have a high vitamin C content, vitamin K, citric acid, antioxidants, fibre, and folates.
  6. It is involved in the production of red and white blood cells and the formation of antibodies.
  7. While it is true that it is not easy to determine to what extent food influences or does not influence cancer risk.
  8. The phytochemical of sinigrin in Brussels sprouts helps destroy the progress of precancerous cells that reproduce in the breast, ovary, stomach, bladder, and colon.

What are the Benefits of Brussels Sprouts?

brussels sprouts

1. High in Nutrients

  • Brussels sprouts are low in calories but significant in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Here are many of the primary nutrients in half a cup (78 grams) of cooked Brussels sprouts:
  • They are also rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps promote iron absorption and is involved in tissue repair and immune function.
  • Also, its high fibre content helps maintain regularity and intestinal health.
  • In addition to the above nutrients, Brussels sprouts contain small amounts of vitamin B6, potassium, iron, thiamine, magnesium, and phosphorus.

2. Rich in Antioxidants

  • Brussels sprouts have some health benefits, but their unique antioxidant content stands out.
  • Antioxidants are compounds that relieve oxidative stress in cells and help lower the risk of chronic diseases.
  • When participants eat about 2 cups (300 grams) of Brussels sprouts daily, their cells’ damage from oxidative stress decreased by 28%.
  • Brussels sprouts are exceptionally high in kaempferol, an antioxidant that has been extensively for its many health-promoting properties.
  • It can reduce cancer cell growth, relieve inflammation, and improve heart health.
  • Eating Brussels sprouts as the role of a diet high in fruits and vegetables can help supply the antioxidants your body requires to promote good health!

3. Help Protect against Cancer

  • The high quantity of antioxidants in Brussels sprouts may help protect against certain types of cancer.
  • There are many viable ways for this to work.
  • Brussels sprouts could protect against carcinogens or carcinogens and prevent oxidative damage to cells.
  • In another, eating Brussels sprouts increased the levels of some detoxification enzymes by 15-30%.
  • This effect could lead to a decreased risk of colorectal cancer, although more research is needed.
  • Also, the antioxidants in it can neutralize free radicals. These compounds form by oxidative stress that contributes to diseases such as cancer.
  • Including Brussels sprouts as a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle can help reduce cancer risk, but more research is needed!

4. Rich in Vitamin K

  • It is a fair amount of vitamin K. In fact, just half a cup (78 grams) of cooked Brussels sprouts provides 137% of your daily requirement for vitamin K.
  • This essential nutrient plays a critical role in the body.
  • It is essential for coagulation, the formation of blood clots that prevent bleeding.
  • Vitamin K also plays a vital role in bone extension and helps protect against osteoporosis, a condition characterized by progressive bone loss.
  • Taking vitamin K supplements could grow bone strength and decrease bone fracture risk in postmenopausal women.
  • Keep in mind that those who take blood-thinning medications should moderate their vitamin K intake.

5. Help Maintain Blood Sugar Levels

  • In addition to its impressive nutrient profile and a long list of health benefits, Brussels sprouts can also help keep blood sugar levels stable!
  • It is likely because Brussels sprouts are rich in fibre, which helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Fibre goes slowly through the body undigested and decreases the absorption of sugar into the blood.
  • It also carries alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant that has extensively investigated its possible effects on blood sugar and insulin.
  • The researchers proposed that alpha-lipoic acid allowed insulin to work more efficiently to lower blood sugar.
  • Increasing your consumption of Brussels sprouts along with a healthy diet, can help keep your blood sugar levels stable!

6. Reduce Inflammation

  • Inflammation is a standard immune response, but chronic inflammation can contribute to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • Compounds found in cruciferous vegetables, such it possesses anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Its higher intake of cruciferous vegetable associates with lower levels of inflammatory markers in the blood.
  • Additionally, Brussels sprouts are rich in antioxidants, helping neutralize free radicals that can cause inflammation.
  • Kaempferol, one of the primary antioxidants found in Brussels sprouts, has incredibly powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
  • A diet high in cruciferous vegetables like it can reduce inflammation and the risk of pro-inflammatory diseases.

7. High in Vitamin C

  • It supplies 81% of your daily vitamin C requires in each half-cup (78-gram) cooked serving.
  • Vitamin C is vital for the growth and mend of body tissues. It also functions as an antioxidant, participates in the production of proteins such as collagen, and can even enhance immunity.
  • Vitamin C relieves the severity of the common cold, decreasing its duration by an average of 8% in adults.
  • Vitamin C can also increase non-heme iron absorption, a form of iron found in plant foods that your body cannot absorb as quickly as animal-based iron.
  • It took 100 mg of vitamin C with a meal of increased iron absorption by 67%.
  • Vitamin C finds in many fruits and vegetables, but Brussels sprouts are among the best plant sources available.
  • Adding even a serving or two of Brussels sprouts to your diet several times a week can help meet your needs.

8. Easy to Add to your Diet

  • It is a healthy addition to the diet and is easy to incorporate into side dishes and main dishes.
  • People often enjoy them roasted, boiled, sauteed, or baked.
  • For a simple garnish, cut off the ends of it first. Roll the sprouts with a little olive oil, salt, and pepper, and then scoop them onto a baking sheet until crisp.

What are the Uses of Brussels Sprouts?


  1. The primary use of Brussels sprouts is for human consumption.
  2. In Europe, specifically, it does not lack as a winter dish.
  3. It is prepared cooked in water and is a favourite garnish for meats, chickens, sausages, and other delicious dishes.
  4. It is usual to make one or two X-shaped cuts at the cabbage base and then remove the superficial or rotten leaves, which tend to come off quickly.
  5. There are effortless and tasty recipes to take advantage of Brussels sprouts.
  6. It usually eats boiled with salt, pepper, butter, grilled, sautéed or roasted with olive oil and lemon juice, and stewed with butter, salt and garlic. In any of these variants, it tastes delicious.
  7. It uses to make soups, creams, gratins, grains, and many other recipes.
  8. The ideal is to eat it cooked, never raw.

Nutritional Value of Brussels Sprouts

Nutritional value (per 100 grams):

Calories: 54 kcal

Proteins: 9.8 gr

Fat: 0.3 gr

Carbohydrates: 6.6 gr

Fibre: 8.8 gr

Potassium: 389 mg

Iron: 1.4 mg

Magnesium: 23 mg

Contraindications of Brussels Sprouts

  1. It is a healthy vegetable. Its intake does not recommend those who tend to have poor digestions because they cause gas if they consume too much.
  2. So it is better to moderate its consumption because it can also alter the thyroid gland.
  3. To know if we can take these cabbages or find out if they make us feel bad, we must ask our doctor and nutritionist who will tell us what we can eat and what better not.

What are the Varieties of Brussels Sprouts?

  • Many classifications will depend on the size, flavour, colour, or date of harvest. Based on this last aspect, early cabbages achieve, which are harvested 150 days after sowing.
  • Standard or hybrid varieties are also known.
  • The identity is more extensive and better-tasting, while the latter is more uniform.
  • The most common diversities stand out: So nearly half tall, noisette, Bedford, Welland, citadel, Rampart, fortress, and Zidfasolt.

Characteristics of Brussels Sprouts

  1. Brussels sprouts derive from kale. It belongs to the Cruciferous family, is a sapling that sprouts on the stem of the plant and is collected when its texture is firm.
  2. It is green in colour, although there are also red and purple varieties.
  3. The stem can reach a meter, and the leaves develop on it, with an oval or rounded shape.
  4. Buds are “born” in the leaves’ axils, which progress to create little buds with multiple overlapping leaves – one against the other – which become Brussels sprouts.
  5. Each plant can produce between 20 and 40 cabbages.
  6. Brussels sprouts cover its cycle in two years. In the first, the cabbages sprout in the axillary buds, and in the second, they bloom in a beautiful yellow hue, and they join in clusters at the end of the stem.
  7. As it grows in size, it sifts the entire trunk of the plant.
  8. The small ones are attached to it by a base or short and thickened stem, to which several flat leaves link that gives the cabbage a rounded or oval shape.
  9. The leaves that cover the central nucleus can exhibit a yellowish colour at the edge, while the outer ones protect and protect the terminal bud and the youngest leaves.
  10. And also, some have an intense and sweet flavour, and others have a marked acrid or bitter taste.


Brussels sprouts are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making them a nutritious addition to your diet.

They may also have additional health benefits, including the potential to reduce cancer risk, decrease inflammation, and improve blood sugar control!

Also Read: Cinnamon – Definition, Properties, Benefits, Uses, and More


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