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The Dangers of Pests to Your Health

Do you suspect that you have pests in your home? Well, pests can be a huge nuisance to you and your loved ones. They invade your personal space and can be embarrassing. Besides the discomfort, they are also hazardous to your health as they cause diseases and infections. The effects they cause range from simple bites and stings to extremities such as death. This article explores the dangers of pests to your health and those living under the same roof.

Vector-Borne Diseases

In simple terms, vector-borne diseases are illnesses and diseases that are caused by parasites and germs. These diseases include the Zika Virus, Lyme disease, and rabies, transmitted from one person to another by pests. If you have mosquitoes, ticks, rodents, and other small pests in the home, you risk contracting these diseases.

Asthma and Allergies

Household pests such as cockroaches and ants can trigger asthmatic and allergic reactions in most people. If you have asthmatic people living with you, their condition may be triggered by pests such as dust mites. The pests’ faeces and shed skin also contributes to the allergens in the home. Other pests such as the black widow and brown recluse spiders expose you to the venom that could lead to detrimental effects such as death (when left untreated for long). Wasps, hornets, and bees can also sting people and cause discomfort. In extremities, the results can be lethal and cause death.

Microbial Diseases and Infections

Most microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, prions, and protozoans exist in acellular particles. They cause microbial diseases and infections for you and those living with you.

Indirect Health Effects

With pests on your premises, you may be tempted to use pesticides for control and eradication. While this is a viable idea, sometimes these pesticides get to your food products at home, which can be hazardous. If you spray pesticides on your groceries at the farm and you eat the fruits, you may suffer food poisoning from the chemicals. It is a leading cause of food poisoning. Another indirect health effect is when the pests damage structural developments in the home. For example, if you have a wooden house and borers or termites attack, they will leave the openings that expose the occupants to the harsh climatic conditions.

Signs of Pest Infestation

Now that you know the diseases and infections brought by pests, how do you know you are infested? Pests scratch, nibble, break and contaminate all the things that they touch. While some are easy to identify, some can be a little difficult. Let’s explore some common signs of pest infestation.

Pest droppings: This is the most common sign of pest infestation. You can check your property for any faecal droppings or urine trails. While it is easy to spot mice, rats, and other rodent’s waste, the smaller ones can be hard to even see. They can only be seen through thorough cleaning.

Nesting signs: Have you seen some pests nest? Well, most pests will make nests of the materials in your home. This can be from papers, leaves, and clippings. Check beneath your furniture, beddings, and discreet places.

Grease marks and tracks: Mice and rats often travel in the same route or paths. As such, they will leave greasy marks and tracks wherever they go. Check along your walls and see if you notice the trail.

Physical damage to structures: Structural damage to your premises may imply you are already infested. Rodents will chew and leave gnaw marks on anything they bite. Termites damage wooden furniture and your wooden decks. If you notice any weird property damage, you should have an assessment for pests invasion.

Damaged plants: Insects leave trails on plants that they nib on. If you notice damaged grass patches on your lawn or dead patches, you should consider having a pest analysis.


As you can see, each pest poses a different danger to your health. While DIY pest elimination seems more cost-effective and manageable, it is crucial that you call in for assistance from professionals. Talk to pest control specialists such as NJ pest control for a professional pest elimination procedure. They will use the right pest eradication chemicals, methods, and equipment to ensure that no part of your property is damaged. Even better, all the premises occupants are safe and live in a pest-free environment. Call them today.

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