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Hearing Loss: Its Definition, Causes, Examination and Diagnosis.

What is Hearing Loss (Deaf Meaning)

The concept of hearing loss is not part of the terms included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE).

It does not, however, prevent the notion from having widespread use. Hearing loss refers to damage to the capacity [hearing] of a person.

The degree of [hearing loss] defines according to the subject’s ability to hear sounds of different intensity.

Their auditory threshold determines according to the least intense stimulus that the individual is capable of picking up.

Classification Of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss or deafness can classify quantitatively, etiological, or topographic.

The most common classification is quantitative. It allows indicating whether a person suffers from mild, moderate, severe, or profound [hearing loss].

It according to the frequencies that they cannot hear.

Causes Of Hearing Loss

Causes Of Hearing Loss

The origins of this disease can be many and divide into two well-differentiated categories:

The first category is that corresponding to

  • Conductive Hearing Loss

The leading cause of which is a mechanical deficiency in the area of the outer ear or middle ear.

The bones of the ear called ossicles do not conduct sound well.

The eardrum does not vibrate with enough intensity, or due to the presence of fluid in the middle ear.

  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss

A disorder in the inner ear caused because the cells responsible for transmitting sound throughout the ear are injured.  It does not work regularly or has died.

Unlike conductive hearing loss, sensorineural is not reversible; those with both types say to have mixed [hearing loss].

In turn, these names can include other names

It calls Hypoacusia congenital to that which is caused by abnormalities that are transmitted genetically.

In some cases, it is due to harmful genes that cause malformations in the structures of the ear—it genetic syndromes or infections.

It is transmitted to the baby when it is in the womb (among them is the toxoplasmosis, measles or scarlet fever).

The presbycusis, meanwhile is a type of deafness related to age. That is characterized by progressive hearing loss.

A deterioration of the auditory system generates it. Due to age and usually shows symptoms such as annoying tinnitus that appears more and more frequently.

It calls Cofosis to complete hearing loss. It calls unilateral Cofosis when the condition is only one ear and bilateral when both ears are affected by deafness.

It’s common for children who manifest any of these types to have previously had an ear infection that not adequately treat.

The cause may be a buildup of wax or foreign objects in the ear canal or an injury or scar to the eardrum. It as a result of recurrent infections.

It’s essential that in case of any hearing loss or similar problems, a professional consult.

It should observe the patient’s medical history and carry out the appropriate tests to make a diagnosis of said problem.

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Examination Of Hearing Loss

The examinations carried out for this effect are called:

  • Audiometer (where a series of tests carried out to corroborate what type of hearing loss exists and what is its magnitude);
  • Computed tomography (if it believes that there may be a tumor or fracture in the head);
  • Tympanometry (a test that can assess what kind of mobility has the membrane of the eardrum) and
  • Magnetic resonance (study can rule out any physical causes in the ear or brain).

Diagnosis Of Hearing Loss

Also, other evaluations allow developing the diagnosis of hearing loss.

  • The Schwabach test (which makes a comparison between the bone structure of the patient and the examiner);
  • The Weber test (with a tuning fork, studies both ears simultaneously), the Rinne test (analyzes how sounds perceive in one ear);
  • The Gellé test (which detects otosclerosis) and
  • Supraliminal tone.

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Treatment Of Hearing Loss

Regarding the treatment of [hearing loss], in some cases, there are surgical solutions to improve the patient’s hearing.

While in other situations, there is no possible cure for the deficit. The case of sensorineural [hearing loss] where the only way to combat.

It is through a device that performs the work of the ear, the hearing aid.

In the case of people who are deaf, cochlear implants make.

It consists of transducers that convert auditory signals into electrical signals that manage to stimulate the hearing nerve.

These signals are processed by the device to allow the sounds to understand by the patient.

To finish, we can add that the best way to prevent hearing problems in children is to clean the ear canals properly.

It is necessary to use individual syringes for this work and warm water ( swabs). Swabs are very harmful because cotton pieces can come off that will accumulate in the duct.

It is essential, in turn, that the tests carry out as quickly as possible. The hearing problem does not affect the child in his learning.

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