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Sleep Challenges? Guide to Help Seniors Overcome Insomnia

Insomnia is a common challenge for the elderly. Often, insomnia is caused by health conditions, medication, and physiological changes. Before you resort to using medicine to treat these issues, read on to get more tips on how you can improve your sleep:

1.  Invest in a Good Mattress

Do you ever feel back pains after waking up? Do you keep on tossing and turning at night? Do you have trouble finding the right position to sleep? If you’ve felt any of these, one thing is for sure; you’re not using the right mattress. A mattress modification is a simple step that most people overlook, yet it dramatically impacts your sleep quality.

A good mattress ensures that your spine stays naturally aligned as it should and overall well-being. As you shop for a mattress, look for a medium-firm mattress to give you the comfort you need. Additionally, wear the right and breathable fabric that keeps you warm and comfortable all night and ensure that the air conditioner is set at a conducive temperature.

2.  Keep Physically Active

After retirement, most seniors living independently acknowledge that they’ve experienced sleep challenges due to the destabilization in their daily routine. You were already conditioned to a particular pattern that kept you busy all day, then suddenly, all that stopped. Even as some get into part-time work, it could still be a challenge if you are used to a full-time job. Therefore, you must maintain the same active life you used to. Besides, a workout also helps keep your overall health.

There’s no defined time as to when you should exercise. For some, an intense morning workout works best, while others prefer working out in the evening and others right before bedtime, while some can do it any other time. However, if you prefer doing your workouts in the evening, focus on more relaxation exercises like yoga or meditation. Know your body and choose what works best for you.

3.  Take Sleep-Inducing Drinks

Even in normal circumstances, most seniors are known to enjoy a cup of tea or a warm drink any other time as they relax. With this existing habit, asking them to take a calming drink before bedtime is not too hard.

Warm milk, decaffeinated green tea, chamomile tea are just a few readily available fluids that you can use every other day to bring in the sense of relaxation, which later sends you to a state of deep sleep. So, brew yourself that hot cup of tea and get your sleep the natural way.

4.  Stick To A Sleep Routine

The brain can stick to what it’s been accustomed to. If you’re fond of taking a nap every other day at a particular time, you’ll most likely tend to feel sleepy during those same hours every other day. Napping during the day is terrible for your sleep, and it will give you trouble sleeping at night.

You are recommended to stick to a regular bedtime hour and routine as it builds a consistent circadian rhythm. Ensure that you also disengage from screen activities like your mobile phone and television at least 30 minutes before your sleep time. Doing this also helps to prepare your body to sleep.

5.  Eat At The Right Hours

When you eat plays a crucial role in the quality of your sleep. If you want to take control, it is best to eat your meals at least 3 hours before you sleep to allow your body to digest your food thoroughly. First, you should avoid consuming processed foods with high carb and sugar content as it interferes with your sleep.

6.  Take Care of Your Mental Health

Stress is terrible for your general health and also for your sleep. If you let the pressure linger on for long, it will make you more anxious, affecting your sleep pattern. You can deal with stress by exercising, talking to a counselor, caregiver, or friend, writing your thoughts in a journal, and listening to relaxing music. Try any of these techniques, let go of the troubles, and watch your sleep become better.

7.  Take A Warm Bath

After a busy day, the first thing that comes to your mind when you get home is taking a shower. A warm bath helps improve blood circulation and lowers body temperature, which allows the body to relax in preparation for quality sleep. Similarly, seniors can use this concept if they struggle with sleep by taking a bath at least 1-2 hours before bedtime.

With the above-listed tips, insomnia will be a thing of the past very soon. Quality sleep is an essential component for everyone to live a quality life, so address your sleep problems as soon as you can and if you have further concerns, talk to a physician about it.

About the Author

Jenn Walker is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.

Jennifer Bell

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