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Weight Loss-Best Weight Loss Recipes Of Salads, Soups, Juices.

Weight loss is the best recipe, mainly salads, soups, and juices. They are foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

It increases the feeling of satiety, prevents constipation, cleanses the body, and combat fluid retention.

When made with only fruits and vegetables, these recipes are excellent to consume before the main course.

They fill the stomach and reduce the amount of food eaten.

In addition to this, salads with tuna, chicken or egg, and soups are nutritious and low-calorie options to be used for dinner.

Here are four recipes for salads, 2 for soups, and 2 for juices that can help you lose weight and are delicious:

Best Salads For Weight Loss

Best Salads For Weight Loss

The best salads to lose weight are those made with raw vegetables. They contain more fibers and make chewing slower, causing a more excellent feeling of satiety.

  1. Simple Salad

This salad can use as a starter for the main dish or accompany a vegetable soup for dinner.


300 g of broccoli;

One grated carrot;

One large tomato or six cherry tomatoes;

One hard-boiled egg, chopped (optional);

½ yellow or red bell pepper;

Olive oil, lemon, parsley, oregano, and pepper for seasoning.

Method of preparation

Cook broccoli steamed for about 5 minutes, quickly sautéing all the ingredients with olive oil and herbs to season.

  1. Tuna Salad

The tuna salad can consume as lunch or dinner.

It is rich in proteins and fibers that cause a feeling of fullness and help to lose weight.


One can of tuna, preferably preserved in water or olive oil;

1 cup of white beans or cooked quinoa;

Two large tomatoes or ten cherry tomatoes;

Three lettuce leaves;

½ cup of arugula;

Four tablespoons of chopped carrot;



Oregano and oil for seasoning.

Preparation Method

Drain the tuna and mix all the fresh ingredients. Preferably, do not add salt to season and thus avoid fluid retention.

  1. Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad

Fruit salad is a good option for those who do not like vegetables. The fruit gives a sweeter flavor to the mixture.

It is improving the flavor and adding more nutrients to the food.


75 g of chopped purple cabbage;

75 g of diced mango;

40 g of bean sprouts (optional);

60 g of chopped tomato;

50 g of watercress;

Grated ginger;

Orange Vinaigrette: juice of half a lemon + juice of half an orange + olive oil to taste + pepper to taste.

Method Of Preparation

Mix all the ingredients and add the orange vinaigrette. Everything must mix well, so the vegetables are with the flavor.

  1. Chickpea Salad

Chickpea salad is rich in protein and fiber. It can be used to replace dinner or as a starter for the main dish.


1/2 cup of cooked chickpeas;

1/4 medium onion;

One sliced ​​tomato;

One carrot in cubes;

50 g diced eggplant;

1/2 zucchini, chopped;

One teaspoon of olive oil;

Oregano, vinegar, and parsley to taste.

Method Of preparation

Sauté the onion and paprika in the olive oil until golden brown.

Add the other vegetables and the chickpea, keeping them on the fire for another 5 minutes.

Season with herbs and vinegar to taste.

Best Soups For Weight Loss

Best Soups For Weight Loss

Soups are excellent options to include in the diet to lose weight.

They are rich in vegetables that contain vitamins, minerals, and fibers essential to detoxify the body and replenish nutrients.

When no meat, potatoes, rice, or pasta add to the recipe, the soups are low in calories. It can consume in higher quantities.

  1. Vegetable Detox Soup

This soup can be eaten at dinner or as a starter for the main dish, with no quantity limits.


One eggplant;

One turnip;

Two carrots;

One onion;

1 cup green beans, green beans, or green beans, chopped;

Two bell peppers;

1/2 box of tomato paste (optional);

One teaspoon of white pepper

½ purple cabbage;

One pinch of salt;



Garlic and olive oil to taste for seasoning.

Method Of Preparation

Cook the vegetables and season the soup to taste.

When all the ingredients cook, add the tomato paste and keep for another 10 minutes over medium heat.

  1. Chicken Soup

Chicken Soup for weight loss

Chicken broth can use to eat at dinner. It ideal to consume a maximum of 2 tablespoons for weight loss.

In addition to this, the soup should not accompany by bread or toast.


½ chicken breast in cubes;

Three garlic cloves;

One chayote chopped;

1/2 zucchini in cubes;

Two carrots in cubes;

1/2 cabbage;

One handful of watercress;

One handful of cabbage;

Two tomatoes;

1/2 onion;

1 liter of water;

Parsley, pepper, and olive oil for seasoning.

Preparation Method

Sauté the garlic and onion in the olive oil until golden brown and add the chicken, cooking it until white.

Add the water and the other ingredients, seasoning to taste.

Cook in the pressure cooker for 5 minutes and serve, preferably without blending the soup in the blender.

Best Juices For Weight Loss

Best Juices For Weight Loss

Juices with fruits and vegetables are an excellent option to lose weight.

They are rich in water, fibers, and minerals that hydrate the body.

It fights fluid retention and improves the health of the intestine.

  1. Cabbage Juice

Cabbage Juice

Cabbage is a leaf rich in fiber that helps reduce the absorption of fat in the body.

Also, containing calcium and B-complex vitamins, which help maintain bone and brain health.


One cabbage leaf;

One apple;

Juice of half a lemon;

½ glass of water.

Method  Of  Preparation

Mix all the ingredients in the blender and blend until the cabbage is well chopped, leaving the juice homogeneous.

Drink cold and without adding sugar. See other recipes in 5 cabbage juices to lose weight.

  1. Eggplant Juice

Eggplant is low in calories and helps combat high cholesterol and constipation, and can consume at breakfast or snacks.


1/2 eggplant;

One cabbage leaf;

One lemon squeezed;

One teaspoon ground ginger;

One cup of coconut water.

Method Of Preparation

Beat all the ingredients in the blender and drink the juice cold, without adding sugar.

Also Read: Hazelnuts: 8 Best Hazelnuts Benefit For Health

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