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Top Tips To Avoiding Menopausal Hot Flashes

If anyone wonders what do hot flashes feel like, all one needs to do is ask a woman going through menopause. Menopause is a stage in life when hormone levels begin to decrease and menstrual cycles cease. Along with the reduction in hormones is a variety of symptoms, and hot flashes is a common one. Fortunately, there are some things menopausal women can do to avoid or minimize this uncomfortable symptom.

Stay Cool

This may be a no-brainer, but keeping the temperature cool can do wonders for hot flashes. In your house, keep the furnace set low and keep fans in the main rooms. Wear lighter clothing when going out, and dress in layers, as chills are also menopausal symptoms, so you can add and remove clothes as necessary.

Eat Right

Nutrition plays a big role in managing hot flashes and other symptoms. Aim to eat smaller, more frequent meals, and eat lots of veggies, fruits, protein, and whole grains. Limit or avoid processed and spicy foods as well as dairy products.

Herbs can also help to mimic estrogen, which reduces symptoms. Herbs that are good for menopausal women include red clover, ashwagandha, black cohosh, chastetree berry, and kudzu. Foods that contain high amounts of phytoestrogen may help you avoid hot flashes, as they also mimic the effect of estrogen. These foods include tempeh, linseeds, tofu, sesame seeds, beans, and flaxseeds. You can also check out equelle reviews to see if certain supplements will help.


Drinking lots of water at any stage in life is important, but it is especially beneficial when going through menopause. Staying hydrated serves a variety of functions: It helps maintain a healthy weight, which is important for managing menopausal symptoms; it reduces bloating that often accompanies menopause; it supports better efficiency of your body systems; and it helps regulate your body’s temperature, which helps prevent hot flashes.

Modify Lifestyle Habits

As women age, many of their lifestyle habits that were not problematic before begin to cause more issues. Changing these habits often help with hot flash management. Women should avoid or limit smoking or tobacco use, alcohol, and caffeine. Certain foods also trigger hot flashes and night sweats. These include sugary foods, processed foods, and hot spices like cayenne.

If you do not partake in regular physical activity, starting an exercise program can be beneficial. It may seem counterintuitive for hot flashes, but exercising four to five days a week helps to regulate body heat. Regular exercisers experience a lower frequency of hot flashes. However, avoid working out too closely to bedtime, as this can increase the chance of night sweats.

If you are not one to take supplements, now may be the time to start. If lifestyle and diet changes are not helping minimize hot flashes, there is a hot flash supplement. This contains a plant-based ingredient that mimics estrogen, which helps normalize hormone levels and reduces symptoms, including hot flashes. It is much safer than hormone replacement therapies, because it does not have the negative side effects.