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CBD: What is it and what are the benefits?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is becoming an increasingly common trend in the health and beauty world. But, with so many potential benefits and different ways to use CBD products, it can be hard to know where to start. In this article, we’re going to give you all of the information you need to understand CBD and find out if it’s right for you.

Let’s get started.

What is CBD?

CBD is a nonintoxicating cannabinoid found in cannabis and hemp. It’s the second most active ingredient in cannabis after THC. While research is still being conducted, there is potential for CBD to help with a variety of medical conditions. 

CBD comes in many different forms, and some might be more suitable for you than others. Here are a few different examples:

Because of the variety, there are many different potential uses for CBD and organic CBD products. Plus, they all come with a range of health and wellness benefits you might be interested in taking advantage of. Let’s take a look at just some of the ways people are already benefiting from using these products. 

What are the benefits of CBD? 

CBD has been studied for its potential benefits to relieve pain, ease anxiety, and more. Theoretically speaking, it can provide the benefits of cannabis, such as relaxation and pain relief, without the high.

Let’s look at a few examples of the potential benefits CBD can have.

It can provide pain relief

Some researchers believe that CBD interacts with users’ endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the brain and immune system. This creates an immune response that can potentially provide anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects.

One 2018 study showed that CBD was effective in reducing pain and managing chronic pain. The study looked at a variety of chronic pain conditions, including:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Arthritis 
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

Results from existing studies regarding pain relief and CBD are promising — CBD has shown to be effective in overall pain management and hasn’t been found to cause any negative side effects.

It has shown promise as a treatment for anxiety and depression

Early research has found that CBD could be effective in treating anxiety and depression. This is seemingly because of how CBD reacts with brain receptors for serotonin. 

In one study, 57 men received either oral CBD or a placebo before they underwent a public speaking test. The researchers found that a 300mg dose of CBD was able to significantly reduce anxiety during the test.

While existing studies are producing promising results, it should be noted that this research is in the very early stages, and largely pre-clinical. These products have not yet been approved by the FDA to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any disease. 

It has anti-inflammatory properties that could treat acne 

Studies have suggested that CBD can indirectly produce anti-inflammatory effects. It should be noted that these are early studies, however, and mostly conducted on rats. But, with that being said, those who experience anti-inflammatory effects as a result of taking CBD products might find that it reduces the appearance of acne.

Another study conducted in test tubes found that CBD has the potential to stop sebaceous gland cells from secreting excessive sebum. Excessive sebum is one of the main causes of acne, meaning that this could be another way that CBD stops acne production.

To benefit from this acne-reducing effect, users should mix CBD oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or shea butter, and lightly dab it on their face.

It may be beneficial for your heart and circulatory system

There is growing evidence that suggests CBD can produce benefits for the cardiovascular system. One particular study in rats showed that CBD can protect against the vascular damage caused by a high glucose environment, thus improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation.

One very small 2017 study also showed that CBD improved resting blood pressure and reduced blood pressure spikes related to stress. 

However, it should be noted that CBD products can interfere with certain medications for heart failure, so they need to be used carefully. Scott Lundgren, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and a transplant cardiologist at Nebraska Medicine in Omaha, has stated that CBD has known interactions with warfarin, statins, calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, and nitrates. If you are taking these medications, consult with a medical expert before self-medicating with CBD.


CBD has very promising health benefits for a variety of ailments, including anxiety, acne, and even heart disease. So, it’s worth investigating to see if CBD products are right for you.

Because most related research is in its early stages, it’s also important to do your research first. So, talk to your doctor before taking CBD for any ailment.

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